
How our



Each portfolio company will follow a six-stage process to optimize business creation

How our



Each portfolio company will follow a six-stage process to optimize business creation

Novy's six stages for startups

Designed to dramatically accelerate time-to-exit

Novy's six stages for startups

Designed to dramatically accelerate time-to-exit


In ideation, the Novy Team will review all applications, selecting a small subset of the top ideas to run through a rigorous evaluation. During this three-month process, we will deep dive each concept with its Idea Generator to build out a high-level PMF narrative that can be used to flag any areas for further clarification, research or iteration. This exercise will play a major role in deciding whether the idea moves forward to validation.


In validation, the remaining ideas will be deeply evaluated across our network of subject matter experts and potential customer audiences. This extensive analysis phase includes talking to hundreds of prospective users, researching market demand, and testing technical and financial feasibility. At the end, only one company will be chosen to be co-founded by Novy.


During creation, the new company will be formed. All optimal legal structures will be set up for a high-growth technology company. At this point, it will be ready for Novy’s investment.


In growth, the Novy Team will focus on taking the product to market successfully. This includes launching the brand, doing early product prototyping, developing a GTM strategy, and generating revenue. This stage will continue as the company finds product market fit and begins to scale.


In spinout, the company is ready to stand on its own, and even acquire outside investment if necessary for further growth.


The goal for every company is to reach the sixth stage, where it will be sold.

Interested in running your idea through our proven process?

Founded in 2023 with the mission to turn great ideas into valuable companies, Novy is a Midwest venture studio that provides the capital, guidance, and executive talent to build innovative healthcare software startups.


Founded in 2023 with the mission to turn great ideas into valuable companies, Novy is a Midwest venture studio that provides the capital, guidance, and executive talent to build innovative healthcare software startups.


Founded in 2023 with the mission to turn great ideas into valuable companies, Novy is a Midwest venture studio that provides the capital, guidance, and executive talent to build innovative healthcare software startups.

How our process works

How our process works